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The Dance's travel full-time in an RV with Foxie, Willie, D.K. and Chukar. See Back Page for more...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dance Dialogue - Idaho to Oregon

It was nice when we left...Wait let me check the calendar to see where we've been since my last post.
Ah yes, it was nice when we left Idaho for Oregon. Here's a few more pictures from our visit with the grand kids.
The Kids
The "other" grand parents

Self Portrait
Green Grass!
Had time to kill as our appointment for the solar/charging system wasn't for another week. Stopped at an Oregon State Park. It was really pretty, trees, grass and lots of greenery between the sites. Sounds lovely, no? It was, really. Quiet too, but no satellite reception! So, since we could, we moved on...

Found a cool place to park in Dayville, Oregon. Fish House Inn is a small place as is the town it's in. Bob said it was like camping in someone's back yard. Yeah, a REALLY nice back yard! There must not be a water shortage in this part of the country. The last three parks all watered constantly!

We enjoyed our visit to John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. Went on a guided walk into the Blue Basin area at the Sheep Rock Unit. Willie was welcome but the rock colors were more green than blue.

Also stopped at the historic James Cant Ranch house. It was built in 1917 and operated as a sheep and cattle ranch until the NPS bought it in the 1970s.

Next stop, AM Solar in Springfield, Oregon. We experienced a huge learning curve on the installation of our solar/battery/generator system. During our research we found AM Solar and it seemed like the most professional, expensive and farthest place to go. Even went so far as to call them for an estimate and lead-time and then went local instead for price and a quicker time frame. BIG MISTAKE! We've since been told DO NOT go to an RV dealer for this kind of work. They just don't know what they're doing! Sadly, so true.

AM Solar is super customer focused. They let you park on their property before and after the service and also provide a dog-friendly waiting room with snacks (both human and canine) and lots of reading material. Deb was quite helpful with local and tourist information. Roger, Dave and the rest of the crew were very knowledgeable and paid the proper amount of attention to our concerns. They really went all out to take care of our problems! Thanks guys!!!
Hard at Work
Since we were in the neighborhood as they say, we finally met the folks from Superior Steel Fabrication, a Sage Machine customer. Terre was kind enough to give us a tour. Always good to meet people face to face after years of working together via phone and email.

Happy to report we are now able to boondock or dry camp without worrying about having no power in the morning. In fact our first night out with the reworked system was spent dry camping for free along the Hood River. Stumbled upon this park while looking at a campground nearby.

Next post will find us on our way to the Heartland Rally in Gillette, Wyoming!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I wrote out a nice long comment yesterday but for some reason it didn't post - so here's the short: Nice to hear from you guys! Thanks for sharing the info on the Solar folks, and I love that picture of the bridge in the canyon! So jealous of the grass . . . haven't seen grass in a pitch since, lord I think, England.

    Safe travels!


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