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The Dance's travel full-time in an RV with Foxie, Willie, D.K. and Chukar. See Back Page for more...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Official Snowbirds and Tucson AZ

It's official. We have landed in Mesa, Arizona at Val Vista Village, a Cal-Am Resort. We will be workamping at Sun Life, also a Cal-Am Resort, 2 miles east of us starting November 5th (this information is for our personal stalkers, Ron and Donna, of Las Cruces, New Mexico :-)))). The plan is to be here until mid-April.

It was an easy drive up from Tucson where we spent a week "on vacation" at Catalina State Park. This campground had super large sites and 50 amp hook-ups with water. No sewer, which was okay as we stayed five nights and didn't need to dump before we left. We took a few pictures (of course!). Well not of the dump, but of the rest of the area. Ha!
I love this picture!

This fellow was about 3" long

X Rated!
This Saguaro was HUGE

A Giant Desert Centipede
(8+ inches)

Our rig is on the right

We met up with new friends, Wayne and Marvene, co-workampers at Echo Basin. What good folks! We met for lunch at Pei Wei Asian Diner and then again at their home. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they lived kind of out in the country (5 acre lot) in an area rich with plant life. They have a lovely home, the size, in the words of the three bears, was just right. Not too big, not too small. It was decorated perfectly for the environment (and my taste). We enjoyed an excellent meal and can't wait to duplicate the main dish of chicken and rice of which Marvene graciously provided the recipe. Didn't get any pictures there...Guess we'll have to visit again and do better next time! We also spent a day at the Desert Museum but will share the pictures in another post.

Back to Val Vista Village. Believe it or not we spent more time trying to get the rig positioned on our site just so than it took get here from Tucson! We have a 39 foot fifth wheel and the site is 42 feet long with a steep incline from the road which is quite narrow. The lady in Guest Services didn't understand why we were having a hard time. Had to ask her...have you ever backed a fifth wheel? She ended up sending the site manager to help us out. It took three of us to get the rig parked. Bob drove the truck, I made sure the trailer didn't hit the park mobile right behind us and the site manager gave Bob instructions on which way to turn and when to back up and pull forward.

We are however settling in and have been shopping and exploring our surroundings. We have family here, but haven't warned them of our arrival. Hope to hear from them after this post. Bob's sister Mary has two children that have relocated from the San Francisco bay area to the Phoenix area. We look forward to seeing them and most likely Mary too as she visits often here. We also plan to catch some Giants spring-training baseball. And of course enjoy the mild weather!!!

So on that note here is some food for thought...
You know you're getting old when the older folks no longer look all that old!!!


  1. Oh yay!!! You are here! Can't wait to see you all. Let's plan a visit soon? :) Came just in time for perfect weather. :) - Jackie

  2. ROFLOAO !!!!

    We have logged your location into our Stalker's Journal for future reference. :)

    Glad you were able to leave NM early. Hope you enjoy Mesa - there is so much to do there.

    Take Care.
    Donna and Ron

  3. Caden almosy lost it looking at that centipede. He wanted one as a pet... Not gonna happen.. Lol

  4. Your comments about getting into the pitch cracked me up - we figure we will be experts when we return to the US with its, what now seem to be, extremely large pitches. People here have a front wheel on their caravans (trailers) and their trailers are so light that, when parking, they simply un-hitch the car (usually a small, light-weight sedan) and MOVE THE TRAILER AROUND BY HAND! Hard to imagine, I know . . . needless to say, we get a lot of staring when we park Salt. Dreaming of the day we get into our first US campground again . . .

  5. How exciting!beautiful pictures!!! We will be there for christmas!!! We boughta new house in san tan valley! Will be ready in a few more weeks!!! Mom and leon are looking at mobil home parks in mesa!! In december!! Enjoythe weather and go giants!!!!""""love mary

  6. Your vacation was in a beautiful spot, and you guys made a great deal of difference for the animals and people at the the desert refuge! Tucson sounds good as did the chicken and rice dish....share the recipe? We have had a beautiful fall here in Nevada, but winter is arriving fast! Bonus Rally luncheon coming up in a couple of weeks!

    Kristine & Bruce

  7. There's many hidden gems down in Tucson if you know where to look. Thanks for all the work you both do!

    Started following your site, follow back my Coachella travel blog sometime soon :)


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